
February 6, 2016

China's People Oceans

China's massive crowd's overwhelmed me. However, after travelling around Asia a bit more, I learned there are other "people oceans" in other countries as well. But It was more common in China, The most populated country on the Earth! and After I got there, it was my first time to have seen so much concentration of people!

Below a few typical crowded sites around China.

Though, it looks a lot more amazing in real life than these pictures can even describe.
One of the perhaps most extremely crowded place was the Bund area in Shanghai at night with heads as far as the eye can see. It seems to get like that often. 

These awesome cartograms really put things in perspective, this is the size of the world scaled by population! 

please click to enlarge
China and India really stand out. Canada became a sliver. There are more North Koreans than Australians but you meet more Australians than North Koreans. Fiji is a country I really enjoyed and it's just a couple of dots here. 

It's easy to see why China made that one baby rule:

Maps by TeaDranks. Courtesy Imgur

Also keep in mind, that there are many Ethnically Chinese outside of China everywhere! O.O 
Even Japan has a China Town. There are so many Chinese!

China was definitely one of the most unique places I've traveled. I mean that in a good way, however the population sometimes makes it exhausting.

And if you're not Asian, you will probably get a lot of attention from many people.
In many parts of China, people will stare at you in amazement! Many people will ask you to take a picture of them. At first, it's nice to be treated like a celebrity, but believe me, it will get old eventually.

You may need to plan ahead a little more here, cause if you don't book a train ticket days in advance, there's a chance you may not have a seat. It seems every single train is full at most places, every single day and you're lucky if it's not. Of course, many people ride the packed train standing without a seat all night or all day.

A Chinese passport is not the worst one to have but Relatively, they tend to require a visa to visit other countries a lot more than most other countries do. I'm not sure why but I have heard that the reason for this is that other countries are too afraid to grant a country which has over 1 billion people in it a visa-free access in case of too many overwhelming swarms!   
This post is to merely give an idea how crowded China can be, which I hope to have described, but more posts describing actual experiences of China are coming soon!

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