
October 26, 2016

Pooping and Peeing on the Great Wall of China is Not Allowed!

Just in case you didn't know...

I for one was disappointed when my eyes gazed upon that sign for I had journeyed far to finally cross off "shit and piss on the Great Wall" off of my bucket list. 

But shockingly the Chinese cunning communist government must have somehow knew of my intention! Perhaps with some type of thought reading surveillance technology. 

I couldn't even use the "foreigner who can't read the Chinese language of complex symbols" as an excuse!, for the picture on the sign, as you can clearly see, has the obvious implication that shitting and pissing is certainly not allowed. 

I had even wandered far down the wall,  

Away from all the masses of tourists visiting the renovated section of the ancient wall.

I for one, enjoyed walking mostly alone, down the wall which looked more like a real ancient wall is supposed to look like.. some parts were crumbling

If you do visit this famous structure someday, I do recommend
avoiding the typical tours and taking a "secret tour" which takes you to the less visited sections of the wall..  with less people, less renovations and great views.

Hopefully, too many people won't read this post and listen,  :/ 

I was able to make my mark on the wall without defecating!

...By the way, there's free WiFi on the Great Wall of China. and the password was "fuck the Mongolians"  :)

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