
October 10, 2017

Travelling Japan Without Staying in a Hotel or Hostel

Ah, here is a lovely picture of me inconspicuously stealing electricity from a building. 

After more than a year of travelling and my money dwindling, I had decided to not book accommodation while travelling the developed country, Japan. However, Japan is not the easiest place to find couchsurfing hosts.  At least in my experience. I had planned and sent several requests well in advance, but I managed to only find a host in Osaka, but not for Tokyo.   

Here's some random pics.
Melon Fanta is amazing by the way, 

                                                     My couchsurfing host.

I got very excited at the Pokemon center

It was very shocking and interesting to see that Japan sells beer and entire bottles of wine in vending machines. 

Fucktastic fancy toilets that squirt water up your butt. 

Anyway, My host said that couchsurfing was not so popular in Japan. Japanese are shy and it seemed to be true.  They are also very polite, I mean too polite. It's kinda weird. 

After I arrived in Tokyo, I found a nice park to sleep in. I needed to be inconspicuous so I used my strategy of finding a nice hiding spot and rolling up in my tarp like a burrito. Tokyo was my home for the next 12 days.

Although I never stayed in a proper room, I did try out manga kissas a few times. For those that don't know what a manga kissa is, it's basically a manga library/ internet cafe which you can rent a cubicle by the hour. So you could rent it for 8 hours cheaper than a hotel or hostel. inside the cubicle is a computer and a couch, they also have wifi and my favorite part...  free unlimited drinks!!   

Some of them even have a shower and I heard that some people actually live in manga kissas if it's cheaper than renting an apartment in the area.  

The free drinks

Anyway, here's more pics. 

Here's a random picture of a Big stretch sausage, lol

After an amazing time in Tokyo, I had decided to travel by hitchhiking. I'm surprised how well it went. Most people stared in shock or horror, some waved or laughed and finally a few brave ones actually stopped. 

The first person to pick me up was a man from India but who has lived in Japan for more than 20 years and hardly remembers much of his native language. He was rich and owned his own restaurant, at which I was treated to a meal :) and he said the restaurant wasn't his main job but just a hobby of his on the side.                                                                                 

I had no specific destination, of course. I was just trying to traveling to wherever I ended up. 

Fortunately, I met many nice people. A couple of times I got places to stay and other times I camped out. Sometimes I would get taken to lunch.   


Washing my pants in the river after getting dog poop on them

Family I stayed with in the awesome hot spring town Minakami

Carrot dick

Same place different lighting

There was one family which asked me not to upload pictures because the father was a cop. I didn't realize this before when I was showing them pictures of illegal things I had done around the world.^.^

Japan is one of the safest countries in the world, well... when it comes to crime I mean. And hitchhiking there was amazing. Japan became a very special place to me and I was surprised to hear that veterans I know who were stationed in Japan don't like Japan, I wonder why? maybe they didn't explore enough away from the base area? Anyway, I had a great time without spending too much money.    

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