
September 18, 2015

Spicy Frog Meat and Pig Organ Soup

My first meal in Singapore was frog meat covered in some kind of spicy sauce. I ordered it because it sounded unusual and I had never eaten frog before. It tasted like chicken.
But because of the slightly chewy texture of it, it was a bit more difficult to eat than chicken would be. The sauce was thick and dark and made it messy to eat. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Ok, So A little later as I was exploring the city. I noticed that many places had signs reading "Pig Organ Soup", It didn't sound too appetizing to me at first but as I continued to walk around I also continued to see restaurants selling that dish! Since it seemed to be heavily advertised, I thought maybe it was a Singaporean thing and I should try it to experience part of the local culture. So I walked in and, OMG Seriously,
the workers looked like Pigs!
It was a little creepy, some of them were quite chubby and I think their noses looked a bit more snout-like than most humans' should. Maybe, it was just that restaurant? did someone lace my frog meal with acid??
 They might be turning into humanoid pig creatures from eating too many organs! O.o

 Anyway, I don't know which organs were in it.. It was a bowl of various organs. It's hard to say if it was good or bad because Some of the organs I liked and some I didn't. And it came with a bowl of rice as you can see. Not too bad, however I personally have never been a fan of organs. 

So, later that night. As I was wandering the city some more.. I had a very sudden,terribly nasty, onset of diarrhea! >___<   Perhaps, it was from the food ate. But don't worry, I've eaten many other weird unusual things that didn't upset my insides at all.

Oh yeah, and there was one more "unusual" thing I ate in Singapore. If you look closely at the pic below, the sign says "unusual chicken"

 I still don't know what was unusual about it? It actually seemed pretty normal. Maybe it was just a marketing technique. And it worked because that's the reason I went inside and ordered it. ^^ But even if it's a market strategy, I don't care because it tasted really good.

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