
January 9, 2019

Weird Food That I've Eaten

There's a ton of unusual stuff I've eaten over the years. Some of it good, some bad, and some of it so revolting that its less appealing than eating a spoonful of lumpy mucus. Now, lets begin with my personal list of culinary adventure!

Chicken Feet

This was actually pretty good, the clammy skin texture softly and easily tore by my teeth revealing small fatty nibbles underneath to be nimbly consumed around small bones and joints. not the most easy thing to eat and probably would take 1,000 to be anywhere close to satisfying hunger but the flavor was good. Slightly sweet and gelatinous tasting.  

Some Poop-Shaped Fruit

Honestly, I don't know what this is called. I tried cause it looked strange and it was good. I was at a market in Laos. It was seedy inside but certainly didn't taste like shit, it was sweet but not as sweet as an average fruit with a subtle honey-like flavor with a texture like Fruit Roll-Ups that had been pounded a few times with a tenderizer hammer and wrapped around medium sized seeds. 

Raw Eggs

For some reason its totally normal in Japan to eat raw eggs. As an American I always thought that was supposed to be dangerous or its possible to get E. Coli or something.. so it was a little bit surprised to see raw eggs served as add-ons at restaurants. The first time I got one was on total accident. I saw a picture on the Sukiya menu of a beef rice bowl covered with green onion and a raw egg on top, I assumed it was a sunny side up egg when I ordered. However with the main dish I was given an uncracked egg in a small bowl. This confused me, I thought maybe it was boiled egg but then cracked it to reveal a totally raw egg. I looked around thinking maybe there was some sort of cooking yourself system nearby but nope. Then I proceeded back to the counter to ask the workers what the hell I was suppose to do with a potentially salmonella bearing raw egg. 

Brain Soup

I wrote separately with more detail about this one previously  It was one of the most bizarre things I've eaten, literally a whole brain in soup. It was alright tasting and starchy and had a thick clay-like texture which the edge of my plastic spoon could easily cut smoothly.   

Snake Jerky

It wasn't really jerky, but was dried out with a texture that reminded me a bit of beef jerky. Although with significantly less thickness. It was very thin actually, a bit too thin. It was alright tasting but hard to chew, it was like eating beef jerky with a texture that is quite harder and much thinner with very small thin bones. Of course a bigger snake would have likely been a different experience.  

Frog Legs

Spicy Frog Legs, had this in Singapore. It was my first time to eat frog legs. It tasted kind of like chicken but had a slightly more chewy texture.  

Pig Organ Soup

I ate this on the same day as the frog legs. and that soup, possibly in addition to the frog legs earlier, is probably what contributed to me shitting myself later. Walking around Singapore I felt obliged to try it because I kept seeing so many advertisements for pig organ soup and I thought maybe it was a Singaporean thing? but possibly I was just in a weird area. It was both good and bad because it was literally just a bowl of various organs,I didn't even know which organs I was eating but some I liked and some I didn't. Unless you're a knowledgeable organ connoisseur then eating pig organ soup is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gunna get.     


I searched all my pics and unfortunately I did not take a picture of the noni fruit.. maybe because its so gross I didn't bother at the time.But there's google image search if you really want to know what it looks like. I do however have an image above of me drinking fresh squeezed noni juice.. 

The Noni is the most disgusting fruit in the world. In comparison, Durian for example is a fruit which is famous for being stinky, there are even signs in hotels which say that bringing in durian is not allowed. I have tried durian, I didn't understand what the big deal about it is or why I would often hear people claiming how nasty it is, I thought durian was tasty honestly. However, Noni is waaaayyy worse, wayyyy more strong. The stench of Noni smells like Satan's sweaty nutsack and it looks like a whitish puffy diseased bladder speckled with scabs and a string wrapped around it. The flavor is absolutely pungent as well!! These are the reasons I would often call it Oh No-ni. 

Despite all this it's supposedly considered a super food loaded with health benefits. When I was staying in a community of hippies there were some that would rub noni on wounds to make them heal faster.      


A Bruneian dish which is basically tree bark mixed with water to form a sticky goop. It tasted bland with a subtle glue-like and plastic-y flavor. I already wrote a separate post on this one too. A local told me to try it to see what I thought. 

Satay Jellyfish.. On a Stick

I bought this at a supermarket, it smelled and tasted like fish food, like really powerful fish food .. And the smell totally filled the room. It smelled as strong as a vagina that hadn't been washed for a year.   

Witchetty Grub Worm

I was in the middle of the outback learning an Aboriginal survival technique. A big soft plumpy raw white worm with thin leathery stretchy skin. The inside contained thick yellow liquid and honestly it tasted like egg. Maybe it has a similar protein which gives egg yolk and worm innards the yellow color and taste? I don't know. A video of me sampling this creature is contained in this post.

Stinky Tofu

And finally, last but not least disgusting. Actually this is the most disgusting food in my opinion. Stinky Tofu is not like regular tofu!! I like tofu; tofu is good but stinky tofu comes from hell. It's a somewhat common Chinese dish however many Chinese don't even like it. Also it certainly wouldn't be found in Chinese restaurants outside of China or Asian countries close to China and for damn good reason.. 

Stinky tofu stinks. When it is being cooked it smells horrendous. The first time I tried it was in Hong Kong fresh from a street vendor. I took one bite and gagged. I solemnly sware that if I had taken another bite I know that I would have fucking puked. 

It was something I did not ever wish to try again. However, recently I accidentally ate it for the second time in my life.. and in the same country. At the free breakfast of a hotel in Hong Kong. They had written "Preserved Bean Curd" as the English translation which I thought it was regular tofu. Plus the stinky tofu I ate the first time had a different color and looked a bit different...  

I learned later that the Chinese writing on the sign contains the symbol for "stink". So it seems I should aspire to learn more Chinese characters. 

I was happy and excited to eat my included breakfast but then a familiar taste overwhelmed my senses. And the horrible realization of the mistake I just made dawned on me. O.O     

Stinky Tofu seriously tastes sooo damn bad. IT TASTES LIKE A TERD THAT SOMEBODY ATE THEN VOMITED OUT!!

I have actually met a person before that told me he liked it.. my jaw dropped. I have no understanding how anyone in the world could like that. How is that even possible, like really, what the fuck?!! Is He even human?? How can someone like that exist, it blows my mind. like, .. 


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