
December 18, 2019

Check Out These Awesome Fake Guns

One of the main tourist attractions in Myanmar is a giant golden sacred rock called Kyaiktiyo Pagoda. 

Not dangerous at all

But the problem with visiting this golden rock is that foreigners, yes only foreigners, are charged an entrance fee..  
However, this entrance fee can be circumnavigated by waking up extremely early and entering before the first fee collectors' shift starts for the day. 

I took public transportation: a very crowded truck filled with locals, then arrived at the sacred Buddhist site at the butt crack of dawn. 

I watched the atmosphere subtly change as the sun rose and enjoyed the view of the golden rock being lit up by both man-made and natural light.

When it was time to leave, I was no longer in a race against the sun so I took the walking path down the hill... 

And what I found on that path was even more enjoyable than the golden attraction I came there to see!

This is a really badass looking sign

They were selling awesome fake guns:

I bought this red one for $1. 

The huge grenade launcher types were $2.  I preferred the red machine gun type and I was able to continue vagabonding while carrying it with me.

This gun is obviously fake and poses no threat

What makes these guns so fun is not just the way they look but the interesting clicking noise made by turning its circular "trigger". 

Its better to hear it yourself than read a description so I placed a video below :)

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