
February 14, 2020

Myanmar's Magnificent Buddhist Structures

An interesting designed temple

Myanmar (Burma) is a magical land where it's impossible to look in any direction without seeing something Buddhist!

Its home to Billions of Burmese Buddhas!

(probably trillions!! but the word billions which begins with a B is better because of alliteration ;) )

After crossing the border from Thailand, I already discovered a unique temple in the border town of,


This temple really speaks for itself, at least regarding its aesthetics.
However, there's one thing I didn't like about it tho, women aren't allowed to enter.  I didn't realize before that sexism existed in any type of Buddhism, but I guess that's expected with any religion/belief system. 

The next destination, I'm not sure the exact psychical location because I was on tour but the tour left from Hpa-an:

creepy yet mesmerizing

What's that on the wall?

bwaaahh, :o 

Buddhas being one with the Pagoda

Kyaiktiyo Pagoda:

This is a very famous giant golden holy rock in Myanmar, gorgeous to see it lit in the sunrise. 

Also, I have already posted abouKyaiktiyo Pagoda in more detail in my previous post.  :)


Behold, the former capitals' main attraction!

These Buddhas are much bigger than their egos.. 

On the walk back down, two monks talked to me and later treated me with some coffee because they wanted to practice their English. 

Pindaya Caves:

This is where things get freaky!

Outside of the entrance to the caves was this interesting spiritually organized diagram

Inside Pindaya Caves are a bunch of...   

Buddhas! Shocking right?  

Actually, the sheer quantity and variety of Buddhas concentrated in one place is pretty amazing.



This country never runs out of energy to build more Buddhas... the world famous UNESCO heritage site Bagan boasts tons of temples coming in a wide range of sizes.
and inside each and every one is at least one Buddha...

yes, I checked.

little monks collecting food in the morning

It's essential to wake up early to watch the ancient temple themed scenery fill up with hot air balloons. 


Climbing steep old steps

Bagan is very touristy, still worth going to though cause of the obvious amazing views. 
Even though Bagan is not just temples but a town, it costs foreigners an entrance fee to just to enter the city limits.

that's the exit
By the time I left and had explored tons of temples, I was feeling templed-out. The artistic entrances which looked inviting at first lost its charm since the inside of the vast majority harbored a virtually identical view of yet another, Buddhist statue.

(also keep in mind I visited here after visiting Pindaya Caves o.O ) 

Buddha, Buddha Buddha rocking everywhere 


The last one on this list is a Pagoda of pagodas. This place offers an elegant and lively atmosphere.

It's free! 

...for locals

 Foreigners have to pay to walk around. 

Of course, I was able to sneak in tho ;) 

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