
March 20, 2020

What It's Like Flying During The Coronavirus Crisis

Tokyo's normally crowded Haneda Airport was creepily not. 

 My flight fortunately didn't get cancelled or delayed. I was a bit surprised that I was able to successfully travel from Japandemic to the United State of Emergency.  

I know writing this likely risks harsh backlash since many might assume I'm horribly unethical or just stupid for traveling Internationally during the strong emphasis on social distancing. I normally would have stayed in Japan but a couple of personal family issues is what prompted me to leave on short notice and enter America while I'm still allowed to.

Before I could check my bag I was asked multiple security questions. Some were normal like, why am I travelling? But I was also asked to describe Tokyo and asked where in Tokyo I liked, as if to prove my claim of living there.

The security interviewer said that she liked the beanie I was wearing 

After checking in, I went to the udon restaurant I always go to whenever I depart from or arrive at Haneda. There's always a long line except this time there was no line at all. 

My gate was a long walk away from the x-ray machines. I walked past tons of vacant gates . In contrast, my flight was surprisingly full. When I reached my gate all the way at the end of a corner of the airport it was like discovering an oasis of bustling activity among a barren desert. Looking around, it seemed only Non-Japanese were flying. 

On the flight, it felt strange to see so many foreigners embracing the culture of masks. 

The lady who sat next to me wiped down her entire seat before sitting. She was a lot older than me though and probably at greater risk. 

The long flight across the pacific left on time. As usual, I can't sleep much at all on flights. 

I was worried that American immigration might harshly interrogate me for choosing to endanger the country with my presence but to my relief I got in easily.  

My connecting flight originally had a one and half hour layover. It was supposed to leave at 5:50 p.m. but got delayed: 

I always pick the lowest class seat except for this time, Comfort Plus was on sale and a lot cheaper than usual. I flew Comfort Plus from Tokyo as well

Many of the shops were closed in the eerily less occupied airport. Among the ones that were open, I would commonly notice the cashier would be missing or hiding.

 I went and got Mexican food from the restaurant next to my gate. The prevalence of good Mexican food is one of the main things I missed about America. 

Different types of salsa

I overheard the waitress telling someone that the restaurants in the city were closed but the airport needs to keep some open and she was finally grateful for having a job there cause it allowed her to get paid. She also said that normally it was particularly crowded cause its spring break. 

I was exhausted having been up all night, I found a section of seats devoid of hand rests and took a nap. Maybe I looked strange. I had on an eye mask and a face mask, and a beanie cause it was chilly.  
I just wanted to hurry and get home but woke up to news of another delay; 

I explored the airport a little more and eventually found a nice chill out area with couches. On which I took another nap.

But I woke up and fuuuuuuuuuuu...

2 more delays. I ended up spending the night at the airport. At least it was a nice airport though and had free WiFi, couches and charging outlets. 

The place was full of reminders that I was experiencing history. I washed my hands frequently and thoroughly. 

I wish that I packed more clothes in my carry on so that it would have been a more comfortable pillow. 

I could only sleep on and off in frequent naps. At 5 a.m. the coffee shops opened. I went into one called Caribou Coffee which I've never tried before. Google tells me its headquarters is in Minnesota so I figured I should take advantage of the opportunity to experience Minnesota culture. I ordered a Raspberry flavored "Northern Lights Latte" . The worker told me I made a good choice. 

Similarity, the waitress at the Mexican restaurant the previous evening said "that's the best thing on the menu" after I ordered an entree.

I guess i have good instincts.  

It was early and I still had time and there was one more thing I wanted to do before I left. At around 7 something I went back to the Mexican restaurant this time to the bar and asked, "do you have Corona?"

Then I drank a Corona during corona. 

I ordered overpriced airport beer to make this pun.

Finally it was time for my flight.. 

Since the flight only had four customers left, I was allowed to sit in First Class for the first time in my life. 

I wore one of my fancy expensive masks.

The flight felt surreal. The guy in front of me got drunk on whiskey. 

When I finally got home and to a proper bed, I slept deeply . 

I brought back multiple packets of masks with me, the good stuff.. 

1 comment:

  1. As you know , I’m probably go through a similar travel so this was good to read :D - N
