
April 21, 2020

Japan is in a "State of Emergency", Obviously:

Behold the Corona Crisis!
Initially, Japan was doing pretty well amidst the breakout.. according to official statistics at least.

However, there was a suspicious subsequent spike following the postponement of the Olympics (which Abe really wanted to happen).

A couple weeks ago, Tokyo along with a few other prefectures was officially declared to a state of emergency.

Although, the cases are still increasing, Japan isn't nearly as fucked up as America..

Though, I'm not really surprised considering:


My visit to America last month was brief since the situation skyrocketed right after I arrived. O.o
Being home felt less like home as businesses increasingly closed.. but at least I could drink quarantinis.

Alcohol probably isn't good for immune system 

I rushed back after Japan announced they would ban entry for Americans soon.

The Sparsely Populated Airport
The sense of emergency started sinking in even deeper..

Mandated Quarantine
Fortunately the scarcity of the flight granted me a whole row by myself. However, there was more paperwork for me to fill out than usual.

Technically it was still legal for Americans to enter however, I wasn't supposed to take public transportation even from the airport. 

Airport Restroom

I made it just in time.

Away from airport, the pandemic atmosphere toned down. Citizens didn't seem to be taking the situation too seriously despite official recommendations.
 For example, over 50,000 people crowded an Olympic Torch exhibition, more than 5 times the number expected.
Indeed, the blooming sakura made the atmosphere much more cheerful and Tokyo,despite schools and Starbucks being closed, remains significantly lively.

Its hard to resist getting out though with scenery like this:

Instead of Staying Home, This Man is Publicly Sleeping

Perhaps getting out is better overall; 

Here I am Covided Up
A few days ago, All of Japan entered into a state of emergency: 

and yet I took these two photos a couple days ago:

bet you didn't notice this is a different pic than the first pic way up top ;) 

Despite the lively atmosphere, the pandemic is evident by the scarcity of masks and toilet paper these days, but I did manage to find these:

Lots were in stock, probably the warming function put people off cause the weather is shifting to springtime.

Actually, the strategic reason I bought it was because it's labelled as a steam mask:

One of these might be good too:

I only enjoyed Sakura on my way to the grocery store, believe me 

Even though Starbucks were closed, tapioca tea wasn't. 

I celebrated the end of my 14 day mandated quarantine with one of these
Japan is not very religious, I wonder if that has helped them with Covid? 

This historically significant shirt keeps popping up on my Facebook feed, I'm considering to buy it:

Japan isn't unaffected though, recently many citizens are required to work mostly from home. No wonder a stroll through the park on the weekend is desired. 

On the bright side, corona is good for nature:

 So, I'll end this post with a few more pics of nature in Tokyo

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