
January 19, 2015

My 1 day being homeless in NYC

After spending 3 days in New York City (and only 2 of those days with me since I arrived 1 day late), My friend Cody had to go back home because he has a job and school and all of those responsibilities that I am happy that I don't have.
   And also he had to be at the airport super early. We didn't get back to the hotel until late during his last night in NYC so he only had 2 hours until he had to leave the room and go to the airport. So he decided to stay up all night. I said goodbye to Cody. I had to checked out of the room by 11:00 a.m.
   And I needed to decide what I was going to do next.  I searched online for cheap flights and bus tickets and I decided that day to go to Niagara Falls next. I only managed to get about 3 hours of sleep before I had to check out of the room.
  Before I left the hotel, I bought a bus ticket online to Buffalo for $50. But I bought it for the next day because I wasn't sure where the bus station is and I could experience NYC a little more. The bus left at 5:00 p.m. the next day...
  So, I had to spend all day and all night in NYC and I sure the hell wasn't going to spend $$ on a hotel room!!!  It was time for me to be a little more cheap-assish. 
 By the way, I had only just started my trip a couple days before and I was a lot more ignorant back then. This was before I knew that I could have gotten a hostel in NYC instead of a hotel. So in my mind, I thought that If I didn't want to pay for a hotel room, that being on the streets was the only other option. I am definitely smarter now after travelling for so long.
   I took the metro to times square. I was a little bit nervous all on my own and not knowing exactly what I was going to do. I was also really tired so I walked to Grand Central Park and took a nap.

I was very comfortable

Grand Central Park is beautiful and also it is HUGE.  After my nap, I got up and walked through the whole park.  I learned that day how terribly sweaty I get carrying my big backpack around since I no longer had a room to leave it in. 

Afterwards, I walked all the way back through the park and then to a nearby Subway
(the restaurant, not a subway station) where they had a sale of personal small pizzas for $3! Now that's some fucktastic vagabondage! (that's the word I like to use to describe cheap food)

I was able to drift off a little but I didn't sleep very much that day. Later it started getting darker. Before I left home I had several people warn me not to go into the parks at night and that it is dangerous. However, I was surprised that when it got dark there was still many people in the park. It didn't seem very dangerous. Whenever 10:00 p.m. came, there were still families with children running around and also there was a carnival thingy.

Grand Central Park at night

Then a little later,  I heard something scary... On top of a hill, there was this crazy man screaming and yelling. He kinda reminded me of Smeagol from Lord of the Rings because he was telling whatever it was in his head to go away. Then frantically started yelling "Disappear! Disappear!!" over and over and he kept saying in the name of something, but I couldn't hear exactly.  In the name of Jesus, I think, and also in the name of something else too. But there were still plenty of people walking around or riding their bikes through the park even while that man was yelling on top of that hill. 

It got later and I didn't go deep into the late at night.  Almost everyone was out of the park by the middle of the night. It might have been really dangerous late at night.  However, I was still technically in the park. I was on a hill that was right next to the road. NYC doesn't sleep at night and I felt safer being next to the road. I slept for awhile but had trouble sometimes. If I ever heard a noise, I was paranoid that it might be a crazy homeless dude coming to rob me. I'm not trying to sound mean towards homeless people. I'm just saying that there are crazy ones. Well, I am technically homeless. But I'm a wanderer, not a stationary bum. 

I also slept sometimes on a bench next to the road. Throughout the night I would switch between the bench and the hill. But I didn't get much sleep that night.
 Finally the sun rose and I went and got another $3 pizza. I was so glad It was daytime and the park became safe again. I fell asleep on a comfortable hill for several hours... I woke up at noon.

I had 5 hours to figure out where Allen street was. Last time I took a bus to NYC a couple years ago, it dropped me off in Chinatown and Allen street sounded familiar so I figured my bus was most likely in Chinatown. I was right. Whenever I found Chinatown I was able to find Allen street and the bus station.

Wow, this post seems a little long. I haven't been bogging very long, but it's my longest post so far. I hope you enjoyed it.

                                                          This looks creepy

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