
January 25, 2015

The Bitch at the Canadian Border

I had seen Niagara Falls from the American side and I also wanted to see them from the Canadian side. On the American side you are able to get closer to them but on the Canadian side you are able to get a better view of them. 
I didn't know how long I wanted to be in Canada. I thought that since I was crossing the border that I should spend a week or two at least exploring some of Canada and maybe go to Toronto too. I had read before on the U.S. travel government website that I didn't need a visa if visiting under a certain amount of time.
I was a little nervous about crossing the border.

                                          The view while crossing the bridge into Canada

This next part is something I don't like thinking about... sigh
At the end of the bridge, I entered the Canadian check in place.
It was a little room with one guy behind the counter checking people's passports. I approached the counter and showed him my passport. He asked me if I had any knives or pepper spray.
"I have a pocket knife" I said. He had me pull it out and show him but allowed me to bring it. He then asked how long I would be in Canada...
Looking back at my response, I now see how ignorant I was. I had never crossed a border on foot before and of all the places, I sure the hell didn't  expect Canada to give me any problems! Americans didn't even used to require a passport to go there!
When he asked me how long I would be in Canada, I told him that I might wander around for a week or two. Then he called somebody over and told me to follow the lady to the building next door...

The woman had short blonde hair. I said "hello" then she said "hello". As we walked across the street she asked if I went to school. I said "no" and then she asked "do you have a job?"
I'm sure that not having a job like "normal" people didn't make me look too good. 
We went into the building and the blonde lady left and I had to talk to another woman behind the counter. She asked me some questions. 
I explained that I had saved up some money and now I'm travelling. She was a polite woman and told me that they were concerned about if I was planning on ever leaving Canada and also that I have enough money to support myself while wandering around. She seemed to believe me that I'm simply an explorer and not some criminal or someone trying to escape to Canada and said that If I could show her my bank statement that shows I have enough money to support my travels that I could stay however long I needed.
Of course, I didn't have a bank statement on me. She pointed to a hotel across the border and said that it had a computer room and that I could print it there. She said to go print it off and bring it back and then I can travel Canada! 
I walked all the way back across the bridge border and found the hotel and the computer room, then had to pay a fee in order to print it and then I walked back across the border with my bank statement in my hand.  I was getting sweaty since the sun was rising higher and all of the walking with my backpack on. 

I entered the building once again and a man told me to take a seat. Soon after, the lady with the short blonde hair called me up to the counter. I handed her my passport and bank statement and explained that the other lady told me to come back with it. Unfortunately, that other lady was not there...
The woman with the short blonde hair was a bitch. She had a very serious face and began questioning me. I had to explain again that I was a wanderer. She said "why would I let you into My country! you haven't shown me any proof you intend to go back to your life in Texas!" I once again explained that I didn't intend to go back for awhile. I told her that I might go to Europe or somewhere after Canada because I'm a wanderer and I'm travelling!
She didn't seem to get it.
She said that me wanting to wander was a problem. I directly asked her if wandering a country was illegal. "no" she said. "then what's wrong with that?" I asked. " I told you what's wrong with that, aren't you listening! I can't trust you to leave Canada!"

Whenever I first crossed the bridge, the guy in the booth let people pass when they told him that they would be there just for a day or two mainly to see the falls. I didn't even see him stamp anyone's passport. He simply looked at it and asked a couple questions and let them pass...  But of course, because I was honest and wanted to be in Canada for more than just a couple days, I ended up being a security concern.
I understand the concern and suggested her to give me a date to be out by and I'll make sure to leave by then. You can't technically know for sure that the people who walk across to see the falls plan to leave either because a lot of people walk back to the U.S. and don't have a return flight or anything. She then said "oh, I intend to give you a date!" 
She began asking me more questions like "did you reserve a hotel room?" and looked at me like I'm a complete moron when I told her no. "Then where do you intend to stay?!" I told her that I could walk in and get a room. I've done it many times and there are a Ton of hotels in that area. Of course, I didn't tell her that I was carrying a tent in my backpack and I planned on camping some; she probably would've thought that was terrible!
She then asked me if I had researched about Canada and knew what I was going to do there. "I haven't looked up Everything, maybe go to Toronto" I said. After mentioning Toronto, she said "do you even know anything about Toronto?" "I know it's big" I said.
That answer seemed to make her even more frustrated with me. 
She starting angrily ranting things like "when you go on vacation you need to plan what you are going to be doing!" Several times she used that word.Vacation. She didn't seem to get the point that I'm a drifter and I'm not on vacation. "I'm a wanderer; I like to explore" I said with emphasis. "Go sit down" she said and I waited once again.
After awhile, She called me back to the counter. She had a document stapled to my passport. "I'm allowing you to enter Canada for today which I probably shouldn't even be doing! If you're not out of Canada by midnight tonight there will be a warrant out for your arrest!" It was about 12:00 p.m. As I was leaving she said "have fun wandering for 12 hours!"  Bitch.

It wouldn't have been worth it to get a room. I would have the room for less than a day and wouldn't have been able to sleep there! I didn't have anywhere to leave my bag and had to carry it around while in Canada that day. 
The so called Canadian city was just a bunch of gimmicks and tourist stuff. It looked like a freaking carnival.

However, the place had some beautiful parks and I got to see a good view of the falls.

While in Canada I felt somewhat like an unwelcome guest even though I knew I shouldn't because it was just that one lady that I had a problem with. I thought that Canada would be a welcoming neighbor. But whatever, assholes are everywhere. I was probably there in that tourist town for 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours then I walked back across the border.

It was my first time to ever go to another country completely alone and where I didn't know anybody. It was also my first time to walk across a border. Many people who have had more travelling experience than me at that time would've known this: Do Not EVER say to immigration officers that you don't have a plan or a scheduled departure date. 

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